Studio Rebrand

Studio Animated Logo

Studio Rebrand


Studio is an online learning platform with hands-on classes from the world’s top creators, including H.E.R., David Blaine, Christina Tosi, Charlie Puth, Casey Neistat, and many more. In these classes, students have the opportunity to create their own original works, ranging from new songs to culinary creations to films.

Previously known as “Monthly,” the platform was originally focused on offering 30-day courses. Rebranding to Studio allowed the company to move away from limitations attached to a 30-day course timespan and offer a wider variety of courses.

We worked with Made Thought in order to rebrand and transition the business – updating the company’s visual language, tone of voice, and overall brand strategy.


Creative Director, Studio

Agency Partner
Made Thought

Creative Collaborators
Studio: Laura Zax, Matt Dysart, Jeff Wang, Max Deutsch
Made Thought: Matt Delbridge, Nicholas Lomboy, Lauren King, Harry Graham, Michaela Crompton

Federico Leggio, Alex (Dase Boogie) Belenkiy

Monthly to Studio
Studio Brand Guidelines
Making Creative Fulfillment Attainable for Everyone
Studio Logo
Logo In Use
Studio tote bag
Studio Typography
Studio Colors
Studio Motion

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